Tabella dei Contenuti

Per avere template dinamici, WP MoneyClick permette l’utilizzo di macro, all’interno del codice HTML e CSS che compongono i template stessi.

La sintassi generale di una macro è:

{{ macro }}

Ci sono 2 categorie di macro, che possono essere usate in contesti diversi:

  • Macro Standard: sono sempre disponibili, con qualunque provider.
  • Macro specifiche per provider sono utilizzabili solo con alcuni provider (tipicamente con i provider di affiliazione)


{{ _index }}

The current product index. Outside the template body this macro will return 0. Inside the product body block the value will enumerates the products (1, 2, 3, …).
Example: 1

{{ _date }}

The current system date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.
Example: 28/03/2016

{{ _dateFromToday(n) }}

Return a date that is ‘n’ days after today. Date is returned in the dd/mm/yyyy format. If ‘n’ is 0, the system return the today’s date. Available since version 3.8.0
Example: {{ _dateFromToday(1) }} will return the date of tomorrow (like 09/12/2020)

{{ _dateDMY }}

The current system date in the ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format (same as {{ _date }} ).
Example: 28/03/2016

{{ _dateMDY }}

The current system date in the ‘mm/dd/yyyy’ format.
Example: 03/28/2016

{{ _dateYMD }}

The current system date in the ‘yyyy/mm/dd’ format.
Example: 2016/03/28

{{ _dateSHORT }}

The current system date in the ‘dd mmm yyyy’ format.
Example: 28 Mar 2016

{{ _dateLONG }}

The current system date in the ‘dd month yyyy’ format.
Example: 28 March 2016

{{ _dateISO }}

The current system date in the ISO format.
Example: 2016-03-28T21:31:26+00:00

{{ _dateDAY }}

The day of current system date.
Example: For the 28 march 2016, the result will be ’28’

{{ _dateMONTH }}

The month of current system date.
Example: For the 28 march 2016, the result will be ’03’

{{ _dateYEAR }}

The year of current system date.
Example: For the 28 march 2016, the result will be ‘2016’

{{ _time }}

The current time in the ‘hh:mm’ format.
Example: 21:09

{{ _timeLONG }}

The current time in the ‘hh:mm:ss’ format.
Example: 21:09:07

{{ _rating }}

Visualizza da 0 a 5 stelle in base al valore del data attribue data-wpmc-rating.

Esempio: {{_rating}}

{{ _random(min, max) }}

An integer random number between min / max (included).
Example: _random(2, 5) will return a random number between 2 and 5

{{ _request(paramName) }}

Ritorna il valore di un parametro della richiesta HTTP  (GET / POST), o stringa vuota se il parametro non e’ definito.
Example: _request(myparam)

{{ _basepath }}

Restituisce la URL base al plugin WP MoneyClick.
Example: _basePath ritorna una string tipo ‘http://www.mysite.com/wp-contents/plugins/wpmoneyclick’

{{ _postTitle }}

Restituisce il titolo del post corrente. Utile per esempio per fare ricerche di prodotti in base al titolo del post corrente. Disponibile dalla versione 3.7.0.

Esempio: [ wpmc-amazon search=”{{ _postTitle }}” template=”product-box” ]

{{ attr:attrName }}

Read the value of template / content / shortcode data attribute. Note that this macro can be used, also, to read all the attribute values defined in the shortcode.
Example:  [ wpmoneyclick id=’123′ count=’5′  data-wpmc-rating=’3′ data-color=’red’ ]

{{ attr:id }} will return ’12’
{{ attr:count }} will return ‘5’
{{ attr:data-wpmc-rating }} will return ‘3’
{{ attr:data-color }} will return ‘red’


Queste macro sono utilizzabili con i provider di affiliazione (Amazon, eBay, Apple iTunes, Kelkoo, TrovaPrezzi, Pagomeno, Yeppon)

{{ provider }}

The content provider Example: ‘amazon’

{{ providerImage }}

The content provider logo URL.

{{ cid }}

The content ID. Example: 1235

{{ pid }}

The product / offer ID. The string value depends on the content provider. For example for an Amazon product this value will be like ‘B00NGOCP64′
Example: B00NGOCP64

{{ link }}

The complete URL that trigger the affiliation.
Example: ‘http://www.mysite.com/?_wpmcx=eyJ0IjoxLCJzIjoxLCJpZCI6IjE1MTY1MSIsImlkeCI6MX0%3D’

{{ title }}

The product title. The value coming from the provider can be overriden at content level (product title attributes).
Example: ‘Apple iPhone 6s’

{{ descr }}

The long description provided by the provider. If the provider is not passing this value, the product title will be used.
Example: ‘Apple iPhone 6s is a very powerful phone …’

{{ vendor }}

The vendor name. The merchant who is selling this product.
Example: ‘MediaWorld’

{{ vendorImage }}

The vendor small logo image URL. Note that this value is not provided by all content providers.
Example: ‘http://www.mediaworld.com/assets/logo.png’

{{ imageSmall }}    {{ imageMedium }}    {{ imageLarge }}

The product image URL (in different sizes). Note that not all the providers supply 3 different images, and image sizes are different (use CSS styling to get omogenous image sizes).
Example: ‘http://www.mediaworld.com/assets/phones/iphones6_150x150.jpg’

{{ currency }}

The currency symbol. The value is defined in the general settings, and can be overriden at single content level.
Example: €

{{ price }}

The product / offer price. Number of decimals depends on the general settings (and can be overriden at single content level).
Example: 89.90

{{ price_formatted }}

The formatted product / offer price, including currency symbol. Number of decimals depends on the general settings (and can be overriden at single content level).
Example: 89.90 €

{{ fullPrice }}

The product / offer full price (without discount). Note that this value is the same of {{ price }} when there is no discount.
Example: 190.90

{{ fullPrice_formatted }}

The formatted product / offer full price (no discount), including currency symbol. Number of decimals depends on the general settings (and can be overriden at single content level).
Example: 190.90 €

{{ discount }}

The % of discount (0 if no discount is available for this product).
Example: 15

{{ discount_formatted }}

The formatted % of discount (0 if no discount is available for this product), including a ‘-‘ prefix and a ‘%’ suffix.
Example: -15%

{{ discountValue }}

The amount of discount (0 if no discount is available for this product).
Example: 145.81

{{ discountValue_formatted }}

The formatted amount of discount (0 if no discount is available for this product), including a ‘-‘ prefix and a currency suffix.
Example: -145.81 €